Rowing Cares – Mercer Indoor Erg Challenge

  • 03/02/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Peddie School, Hightstown NJ

Feel like doing a 2K erg race?  PNRA/Mercer is hosting the 8th annual Rowing Cares - Mercer Indoor Challenge (formerly known as Row for the Cure).  Proceeds will benefit the YWCA Princeton’s Breast Cancer Resource Center.

Here is the official announcement.

You can sign up on Regatta Central here.

The Women's Masters event starts at 9:00 and the Men's at 9:15, but be sure to arrive early enough to get a good warmup.  And if you have an official Laker racing uniform, be sure to wear it!

The cost is only $25, and you won't have to row back to the dock!